Romanian Journal of Plant Protection (RJPP)

Instructions for Authors

Manuscripts submitted to the Romanian Journal of Plant Protection (RJPP) must not have been published or be under consideration for publication elsewhere, other than as abstract of oral or poster presentation.
Manuscripts must be submitted in electronic version only, at the address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
For all submissions, please provide your complete manuscript in the form of a single document.
The Editorial Board maintains the option of returning, before evaluation, the manuscripts to authors who do not comply with these recommendations.
After the article has been accepted for publication, the authors are encouraged to forward the revised version.
The publication of the text and colour figures is free of charge.
The text should be written in English.
Microsoft Word format or its equivalent is preferred.
The responsibility for the experimental data accuracy, the scientific analysis and interpretation as well as for the accuracy of the English text belongs entirely to the author(s).

Manuscript Length
Brief accounts of particularly interesting results: four printed pages, including figures and tables and having the same structure as original articles.
Brief notes of scientific interest to disseminate information and observation of preliminary nature: two pages.
All submissions must include „scientific note‟ in the title.
Research Articles: The maximum is twenty pages.
Review Articles: The maximum number of pages is forty pages.
Conference Proceedings: The journal will consider for publication the proceedings of relevant conferences in the field.
Preparation of the manuscript
Page setup: A4 (210 x 297mm), Margins Top 2.5 cm, Bottom 2.5 cm, Right 2.5 cm, Left 2.5 cm, Header and Footer 1.5 cm, Gutter 0 cm, Gutter position: Left.
Paper Title: The title should describe clear, concise and suggestive article’s content, edited in capitals, TNR 14, bold, alignment left.
Authors: the name of the authors written in full (not abbreviated), edited in TNR 12, title case, italic characters, alignment left, placed one space row down from the
paper title. If there are more authors belonging to various institutions, they have to be marked by 1, 2, 3 etc. Superscript for identifying the institutions they belong to (if all authors belong to one institution, they will be not marked). Academic title and scientific position are not mentioned.

Institution will be marked by 1, 2, 3 etc. superscript as mentioned for authors. The institution name will be written in small letters, TNR 12, alignment left, placed one space row down from authors’ name.

Contact details of the corresponding author (postal address, phone, fax, e-mail address), edited in TNR 9, small letters, alignment left, placed one-line space down from institution’ name.

Abstract: edited in TNR 10, alignment justified, placed one-line space down from the name of corresponding author. It includes maximum 20 rows, without indentation. Abstract should be informative as to why and how the study was conducted (including year and place, as appropriate), the importance of the results and a short conclusion.

Key words: a maximum of 4 key words must be given, edited in TNR 10, italic characters, alignment left, one-line space down from abstract text.

The main text: For Research articles, the preparation of the main text must be structured into separate subchapters as INTRODUCTION, MATERIALS AND METHODS, RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS, CONCLUSIONS, AKNOWLEDGEMENTS, and REFERENCES, edited in TNR 12 bold, alignment left, at one space row down from the text.
For Review and Letter articles, the manuscript should be divided into title page, abstract and the main text.

INTRODUCTION includes the background and significance of the problem by considering the relevant literature, the stage of development abroad and in Romania. The last paragraph should contain the aim of the research and the questions to be answered. The text will be edited at one-line space down from INTRODUCTION, TNR 12, first line, alignment justified.

MATERIALS AND METHODS present concise and complete the information about place of studies, materials and procedures used. The text will be edited at one-line space down from MATERIALS AND METHODS, TNR 12, first line, alignment justified.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS present the main results in a logical manner in tables, graphics and figures. The results will be commented and interpreted from scientific point of view, with references to the data presented in specific literature. Data used in the comparative analysis must indicate the source of references. The same data/information presented in a table must not be repeated in figure or as text. The text will be edited at one-line space down from RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS, TNR 12, first line, alignment justified.

CONCLUSIONS will be concisely and clearly expressed. Each conclusion will start with a new line, without numbers or bullets. The text will be edited at one-space line down from CONCLUSIONS, TNR 12, first line, alignment justified.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS if this section is necessary. It is dedicated to address thanks to authorities, institutions which have supported technical and financial support or persons which have provided the literature, data collection, organization of experiments etc. The text will be edited at one space row down from ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS, TNR 11, no indentation, alignment justified.

REFERENCES will be edited in TNR 11. The list of references should include all studied bibliography and cited in text, in alphabetical order by authors’ names, surname of authors and initials (in capitals), year of publication (in parentheses), title of paper or book, name of journal in full (in italics), volume, issue, page number, the place of publication and publisher [and Editor(s)] for books and conferences should be included. No Indentation.

For article in a Journal:

EDMONDSON, R. N. (1998). Trojan square and incomplete Trojan square designs for crop research. Journal of Agricultural Science, Cambridge 131, 4, 135-142.

For article in a journal on the Internet: ARTHUR, A.B. (1993). Plant chitinases. Journal of Agricultural Science, Cambridge 13, 135-142. Doi: 10.1046/j.1365-313X.1993.t01-1-00999.x

Web site / Homepage: Heart CentreOnline [homepage on the Internet]. Boca Raton, FL: HeartCentreOnline, Inc.; c2000-2004 [updated 2004 May 23; cited 2004 Oct 15]. Available from:

Patent: ARTHUR, F.G. (2000 Sep). Chlorophyll content imager. United States patent US 20006114683.
Tables will be presented in the text after their citation. Each table has a number in bold font and title (i.e. Table 1. Title) edited in sentence case, TNR 11, placed above the table, alignment centered and one space of 6 pt after. The text inside of tables will be edited with TNR 10 font. Tables should be numbered in Arabic numerals sequentially in order of their citation in the text.

Figures include graphics, photos, maps etc., and will be included in the text after their citation. Each figure has to have number in bold font and title (i.e. Figure 1. Title) placed below the figure, edited in sentence case, TNR 11, alignment centered and one space of 6 pt before. Figure titles will be written in text, not in the graphics. Figures must have resolution, contrast and sharpness in order to be readable in the printed version. One space line will be left after the figure. In order to maintain acceptable image quality, it is recommended that JPEG files are saved at High or Maximum quality.

Abbreviations: Use standard abbreviations (h, min, g, mg, ml etc.) instead of writing complete words. Avoid numerals at the beginning of a sentence; spell out or change word order if necessary. For international units, use SI units where possible. Use 'litres' in full after numbers where confusion could arise with the numeral l; e.g. use 5 liters/day but 5 ml/l. Rates should be expressed by a solidus, e.g. kg/ha, 6 kg N/ha, 3 plants/m² (not 3 plants m-²), 7 kg/ha per year. Do not repeat units in lists, e.g. 3, 10, 17 and 300°C; 20 or 30% more.

Scientific names for all species should be edited in italic font, except for the abbreviations “var.”, “ssp.”, “f.”, which indicate taxonomic rank (e.g. Pinus montana, ssp. mughus).

Citations in text should be in brackets, use the following format: Tables and figures are mentioned in the text as following: (Table 1), (Figure 1).

The citations in the text contain only the author's last name and the year, as for example (Jarvis, 1994; Edmondson, 1998).

In the case of two authors, please use both author's last name and the year, as for example (Scott & Jaggard, 1993).

Where there are more than two authors, the last name of first author followed by “et al.” should be used, as for example (Jones et al., 2006).

When the name of author is used in the text, the year is put in brackets, as for example Jarvis (1994) or Jarvis et al. (1994).

In case of using two publications of the same author, in different years, you can use for example (Jones, 2006; 2007) and in the same year, you can use for example (Jones, 2006a; 2006b).